How much in cost and resources can your agency save? Case Study Check out an action path or case study of a collection agency that recently worked with Collect Logic and CollectLogic to go through the steps needed to make their agency more efficient, automated and cost efficient.

Debt Collection Management Tools

Collect Logic is an application for collection agencies which helps to make the agency more efficient, automated and cost efficient. CL is user friendly, intuitive and helps in multi-tasking software procedures. It's a totally integrated very powerful cloud based web-app which includes client, portfolio and account management – plus it has texting, dialer and letter campaign modules.

Manage your Portfolios and Accounts

  • 24/7 Access
  • Internal IM Chat
  • Account Dashboard
  • Client Management
  • Dialer Campaigns
  • Text Campaigns
  • Consumer Portal
  • Document & Letter Management
  • Unlimited Accounts and Users
  • Agency Account Share

Flexibility 24/7 to Do Business from Anywhere

CollectLogic's cloud based application offers a web-based debt collection software solution - collection agencies and debt collectors are able to manage key areas of their day-to-day operations and benefit from the extensive portfolio and account management capabilities. Our system keeps track of all account information including all clients, accounts, documents, letters, consumer payments and more!

Debt Collection - Account Management and Life Cycle

Account Management

Portfolio Placements & Skip-trace: Account Placements are uploaded, mapped and imported into Collect Logic. Account placements and batches are placed into a queue where the application auto runs and processes the batch with the skip-tracing company processing each account adding & ranking phone numbers, home addresses, emails, deceased debtors and debtor bankruptcies.

Account Letters: Account letters are generated via an account manual click to create a selected letter – then downloaded, text or emailed to consumer. Letters can also be requested by an agent and processed by the letter admin, and then the letter sent out or released for the agent to view. Mail merge letter templates include: Dunning, Reg F, Pay Arrg. and PIF letters. Letter campaigns can be a queue or batch which auto creates a single PDF document file which can be downloaded and printed.

Account Management
Account Management

Client Media files & Documents: Client media files and documents are managed and stored on a secure file and storage account. Files and/or documents are all mapped to their accounts in Collect Logic where they can be access by an admin or agent user. The account documents can also be forwarded to the debtor upon request or accessed in document list on the debtor account portal.

Dialer & Text Campaigns: Account Dialer and Text campaigns can be created with a combination of account clients, placements and statuses. Dialer files can be generated and downloaded to be used on a third party dialer platform or worked manually. Text messages can be sent from the account dashboard or in campaign. A single text message can be sent while working a dialer campaign – in place of a call.

Account Management
Account Management

Account Managment: Each account has a Main, Workflow and Campaign status which can be updated as worked. Talk-off dates and notes can be updated when debtor contact has been established. Account payments can be processed in a single transaction or a daily batch. All bounces are listed for the day on the agent bounce list to be worked and flagged as worked. Payment methods can be verified as valid when entered. Agents and users are required to login with credentials.

Consumer Dashboard: The Consumer dashboard allows access to the debtor to view and access account info, client & account documents, account PPA & settlement, payments and methods, all from their PC or mobile device. Text and emails messages can also include links where the debtor can click the link and access their account.

Account Management
Account Management

Reports & Workflow Whiteboards: Reports and client remit files can be printed in report format or downloaded as a CSV file to be sent to the client. There are several client specific remit and end-of-month reports which can also be printed or downloaded. Collect Logic also includes three types of production charts and graphs - based upon access and desired details.