Below is an action path or case study of a collection agency that recently worked with Collect Logic, LLC and CollectLogic collection software to go through the steps needed to make their agency more efficient, automated and cost efficient. The collections business is hard, these changes plus the use of CollectLogic has made it much easier and more efficient to do business.
Client Findings: Action Path
Cost Savings
Resources Saved.
Office Space – occupies multi-level office space which could house several teams of collection agents.
Determined the office space was
no longer needed or required. All managers and employees are now working remotely.
Found significant savings in office cost due to remote access with CollectLogic.
Server Equipment – hosted existing legacy collection application and SQL database.
Determined the server was
no longer needed.
Found significant savings in equipment and
management cost.
VPN – allowed remote access for IT and agents - found to be too costly for remote agents.
Determined the VPN was
no longer required or needed.
Found basic savings in equipment and
management cost.
PBX Phone System – with desktop phones - had to be setup each time a new agent joined a team.
Determined the PBX phone system was
no longer used or needed. Now using dialer module via a web based communication service.
Found significant savings in equipment and
management cost.
Phone Number Bank list – virtual Number list.
Determined the phone number bank list was
no longer used or needed. Now using phone numbers from com-service.
Found basic savings in equipment and
management cost.
Email Server – hosted on PC in IT server room.
Determined the email server was
no longer needed. Now using CollectLogic account email plus admin email.
Found basic savings in equipment and
management cost.
Chat – Third party chat service.
Determined a third party chat app was
no longer used or needed. Now using CollectLogic internal Chat module.
Found basic savings in equipment and
management cost.
IT Director – managed day-to-day in office and client IT request. Also maintained legacy collection app, desktop PCs, IT hardware, landline phones, agent domain & email and SQL database.
IT Director took another position – management determined that a fulltime IT position was
no longer required or needed.
Found significant savings in
resource and management cost.
IT Equipment, Process and data control and access – agency owner lacked full control of IT infrastructure, passwords and processes.
Agency owner now has confidence, peace of mind and the total control of their data, processes and IT equipment including all user Ids and credentials. Agency is now very scalable and can operate with or without IT resources.
Found significant savings in
resource and management cost.
Placements – IT Director managed, formatted and imported placement accounts.
Placement accounts now uploaded, mapped and imported into CollectLogic.
Found basic savings in resource and
management cost.
Account Skip-trace search – exported file generated by IT Director and sent to skip trace vendor. IT Director ran process to update accounts and add data.
Account placements and batches are now placed into a queue in CollectLogic were the application auto runs and processes the batch with the search module via skip trace vendor API.
Found basic savings in resource and
management cost.
Client Account Media files and documents – stored and hosted on PC in IT room – admin access via office network – documents and files forwarded to the agents and\or debtor as needed or requested.
Client Account Media files are now managed and stored on a secure cloud file storage account and mapped to CollectLogic.
Found basic savings in resource and
management cost.
Account Dialer – batch account files with the selected phone numbers and account info were generated, exported/imported and/or sent via an API to the third-party dialer.
Campaign call queues can be now exported/imported to a third-party dialer or processed in CollectLogic with the integrated dialer module and a web based communication service to process the account calls via manual dial, click to send, or auto dial.
Found significant savings in service and
management cost.
Account Call Recordings – all account recordings were added to a batch file on the dialer FTP where the file was auto downloaded to a PC or server in the IT room. The call recordings were also accessible via the dialer company portal.
Call Recordings are now accessible via the Call Recording list in CollectLogic, where the recordings can be played or downloaded.
Found basic savings in resource and
management cost.
Text Message – text messages were sent in batch campaigns with a third party text message app.
Text messages are sent in CollectLogic with the integrated text module which uses a web based communication service API to process the campaign or an account text message.
Found basic savings in resource and
management cost.
Account Letters – requested by agents to office admin via email and generated manually each by in-house office admin using desktop mail-merge letter templates.
Account letters are now generated in CollectLogic via letter campaign or an account, click to create – then downloaded, text or emailed to consumer.
Found significant savings in
resource and management cost.
Consumer Dashboard access – had plans to add dashboard in the future.
Now using the consumer dashboard in CollectLogic to allow access to the debtor - to view account info, client & account documents, account PPA & settlement or add payments and pay methods.
Found basic savings in resource and
management cost.
Workflow Reports & Whiteboards – had whiteboard reports which ran on PCs based upon SQL database apps.
Whiteboards and agent progress reports are now on CollectLogic and accessible anywhere there’s access to the internet.
Found basic savings in resource and
management cost.